
Too / Enough
Too equivale al español "demasiado".
Se utiliza siempre delante de los adjetivos o adverbios que modifica.
This exercise is too easy.Este ejercicio es demasiado fácil.

He arrived too late.
El llegó demasiado tarde.
Luego del adjetivo, puede agregarse "to" más un verbo.
He's too young to drive.
Es demasiado joven para conducir.

He's too weak to lift that ball.Es demasiado débil para levantar esa bola.
Si se usa con sustantivos, significa "demasiado/a/os/as" y va siempre seguido de many much, dependiendo del tipo de sustantivo contable o incontable.

There are too many people.
Hay demasiada gente.

There is too much shadow.Hay demasiada sombra.
Enough equivale al español "lo sufucientemente".
Se utiliza siempre después de los adjetivos o adverbios que modifica.

I arrived early enough.
Llegué lo suficientemente temprano.
También puede ser seguido de "to" más un verbo.
He isn't old enough to drive.No es lo suficientemente viejo como para manejar.

He isn't strong enough to lift it.No es lo suficientemente fuerte como para levantarlo.
Si se usa con sustantivos, significa "suficiente/s" y va siempre antes.

There aren't enough chairs for everyone.
No hay suficientes sillas para todos.

There isn't enough light.No hay suficiente luz.

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct word
Q1 - There were ....... many questions to answer so I only did three
Q2 - The coffee was .... to drink so I left it for a minute to cool
Q3 - The room wasn't ....... so I turned the heating on
Q4 - I didn't buy the jacket because it was ........
Q5 - The shoes were ..... so I didn't buy them
Q6 - It's far ....... to fit inside the bag
Q7 - It was far ....... to pick up
Q8 - I didn't get it because it was .......
Q9 - I haven't got ....... to take a holiday this year
Q10 - It was ...... to carry
Q11 - There wasn't ....... for everybody to get in
Q12 - He didn't do ........ to pass the exam
Q13 - There wasn't ....... to finish so I didn't manage to
Q14 - She can't sleep because she drinks ......... coffee
Q15 - I didn't know him ......., but I was still upset when he died
Q16 - I left the job because I was making .......
Q17 - I put a scarf on because it was .......
Q18 - This town isn't ....... for both of us
Q19 - He isn't ....... to go back to work yet
Q20 - I don't think the exam is ......... for me to have a good chance of passing
Q21 - This room isn't ........ for all the guests; we'll have to get a bigger one
Q22 - She isn't ....... to start driving until next year
Q23 - I haven't got ........ to pay the bill until I get my salary
Q24 - Everything was much ....... for us to get anything
Q25 - He speaks far ....... for us to understand him unless we ask him to say it again
Q26 - They haven't got .......... to buy it
Q27 - They took ....... on the first part and didn't finish the rest
Q28 - There's never ........ to do everything I would like to do
Q29 - The photograph didn't come out because it was ........


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