Expressing Likes, Desires, and Preferences
Expressing Likes, Desires, and Preferences
Preferir" en inglés: prefer, would rather, would prefer
Para hablar de preferencias en general, usamos el verbo prefer seguido de verbo acabado en -ing o de infinitivo con to sin que cambie el significado.
I prefer buying online = I prefer to buy online
(prefiero comprar por internet)

También podemos indicar que preferimos una cosa a otra con la siguiente estructura:
Sujeto + prefer + sustantivo + to + sustantivo
I prefer tea to coffe (prefiero el té al café)
Para decir que preferimos hacer una cosa a hacer otra podemos usar las siguientes estructuras:
Sujeto + prefer + verbo acabado en -ing + TO + verbo acabado en -ing
I prefer going to the cinema to staying at home.
(prefiero ir al cine a quedarme en casa)
Sujeto + prefer + infinitivo con to + RATHER THAN + infinitivo sin to
I prefer to read rather than watch TV
(prefiero leer a ver la televisión)
Significa prefiero o preferiría y va seguido de infinitivo sin to (bare infinitive).
Shall we go shopping? I would rather go to the cinema.
(¿Vamos de compras? Prefiero / preferiría ir al cine)
Forma abreviada: I'd rather go out (prefiero / preferiría salir)
Para decir que preferimos hacer una cosa a hacer otra usamos la siguiente estructura:
Sujeto + would rather + infinitivo sin to + THAN + infinitivo sin to
She would rather go out than stay at home.
(ella prefiere/ preferiría salir a quedarse en casa)
También significa prefiero o preferiría y va seguido de infinitivo con to. Es más formal que would rather.
Shall we go shopping? I would prefer to go to the cinema.
(¿Vamos de compras? Prefiero / preferiría ir al cine)
Forma abreviada: I'd prefer to go out (prefiero / preferiría salir)
Para decir que preferimos hacer una cosa a hacer otra usamos la siguiente estructura:
Sujeto + would prefer + infinitivo con to + RATHER THAN + infinitivo sin to
They would prefer to travel to London rather than go skiing.
(ellos prefieren / preferirían viajar a Londres que ir a esquiar)
- Después de than o rather than siempre va un infinitivo sin to (bare infinitive)
(Prefiero viajar en tren a conducir)
I prefer to travel by train rather than drive.
I would rather travel by train than drive.
I would prefer to travel by train rather than drive.
1) PREFER se usa en correlación con TO (si usamos gerundio) o con RATHER THAN (si usamos infinitivo con to)
I prefer swimming to running (prefiero nadar a correr)
I prefer to swim rather than run (prefiero nadar a correr)
2) WOULD RATHER se usa en correlación con THAN.
I would rather swim than run (prefiero nadar a correr)
3) WOULD PREFER se usa en correlación con RATHER THAN
I would prefer to swim rather than run (prefiero nadar a correr)
Expressing Likes, Desires, and Preferences
Se usa para expresar: Gustos, Deseos y preferencias.
Prefer…USE: It is used to talk about general likes and dislikes.
- I prefer to work at night.
- My best friend prefers to go to the cinema. o Rosario prefers living alone. o We prefer Roast Chicken.
- My father prefers comedy movies.
Prefer + noun Examples:
- I prefer romantic movies. o She prefers hip hop music. o We prefer Mirage restaurant.
- They prefer soccer.
Prefer + infinitive with TO Examples:
- I prefer to watch romantic movies. o She prefers to listen to hip hop music. o We prefer to go to the Mirage restaurant.
- They prefer to practice soccer.
Prefer + Gerund (verb in ING)
- I prefer watching romantic movies. o She prefers listening to hip hop music. o We prefer going to the Mirage restaurant.
- They prefer practicing soccer.
NOTE: Utilizamos la palabra PREFER para expresar nuestras preferencias, de manera general en cuanto a nuestros gustos y disgustos.
USE: It is used to talk about specific choices in a specific situation.
My father would prefer comedy movies tonight at home.
Would prefer + noun Examples: o I would prefer romantic movies. o She would prefer hip hop music. o We would prefer Mirage restaurant.
- They would prefer soccer.
Would prefer + infinitive with TO Examples:
- I would prefer to watch romantic movies. o She would prefer to listen to hip hop music.
- We would prefer to go to the Mirage restaurant. o My mother would prefer to practice volleyball. o My father would prefer to help us to do our homework.
- My brother would prefer to play bingo.
- I would prefer to write poems.
NOTE: Utilizamos la frase WOULD PREFER para expresar nuestras preferencias, la cual puede ir precedida de un sustantivo o un verbo en infinitivo con TO.
USE: It is used to talk about specific choices in a specific situation.
- I would rather work at night. o My best friend would rather go to the cinema tomorrow. o Rosario would rather live alone in Pachuca city. o I’d rather rent a movie than go to the theater.
- He’d rather not see a comedy tonight. o Would you rather see Frida or Finding Nemo? o Which would they rather see a horror film or a romantic film?
- Would you like to rent a movie? Actually, we’d rather not. We are too busy.
Would rather + verb in the base form Examples:
- I would rather watch romantic movies. o She would rather listen to hip hop music. o We would rather go to the Mirage restaurant.
- They would rather practice soccer.
Roberto would rather practice soccer tomorrow in the morning. We would rather go to the forest.
Roberto would rather not practice soccer tomorrow in the morning. We would rather not go to the forest.
Would Roberto rather practice soccer tomorrow in the morning?
Yes, he would
No, he wouldn’t
Would you rather go to the forest?
Yes, we would
No, we wouldn’t
Examples: o Would you prefer to take a video or a photography class? I would prefer to study video to learn about photography.
- I’d prefer to live with my parents to live with a relative. o She would prefer to go to the cinema to stay at home watching TV.
- I would prefer to have some water to soda.
- Would you rather learn an Asian Language or a European one? Actually, I’d rather take an art class than study a foreign language.
- Would you rather play snakes and ladders or go for a walk? Actually, I would rather stay at home and play snakes and ladders than go out.
- I would rather study online than study in a real classroom.
- She would rather dress a red blouse than a pink one.
We can use other kind of expressions and use of the language to ask and express about our preferences.
Now, Read the next dialogues and pay attention to the words in red. EXAMPLES:
A: What would you like to do this weekend?
B: I’d really like to go to the cinema.
A: Would you like to watch Finding Nemo or Narnia ? B: I’d really love to watch Finding Nemo.
A: What are we going to do this weekend?
B: I don’t know, I would rather stay at home.
A: That’s sound good to me.
A: What do you think we should do this holiday? B: I think we should have a family reunion.
What would you like …?
Would you like to …?
What are we going to …?
What do you think we should ….?
I’d (really) like to …
I’d (really) love to …
I’d rather …
That’s sounds good to me. I think we should …
If it were up to me, I’d ….
I would prefer to write poems
I would prefer to work at night. o My best friend would prefer to go to the cinema tomorrow. o Rosario would prefer to live alone in Pachuca city. o We would prefer Roast Chicken as a dinner.
They prefer to practice soccer.
- They would prefer to travel to London rather than go skiing.
- I would prefer to go to the cinema.
- She would rather go out than stay at home.
- I prefer tea to coffe.
- I would prefer to go to ride.
- I would rather go to travel.
- I would prefer to go shopping.
- I would prefer to go to sleep.
- I would prefer to go to Word.
En esta gramática explicamos la formación de oraciones con frases-gerundio como sujetos y como objetos.
Es importante recordar que un gerundio es la forma –ING de un verbo (working, directing, etc). Este gerundio puede ser utilizado como sustantivo y, de ese modo, como sujeto u objeto de una oración.
Las frases-gerundio están integradas por la estructura
GERUND + NOUN(directing the news) o por una FRASE PREPOSICIONAL (working with computers).
Being a artista painter could be interesting.
I would like being a draffsman.
I´m interested in being a chauffeur.
- Acting in high school and college plays helped prepare Tim for Broadway.
- Collecting stamps is a popular hobby.
- Rushing through your chores will get you nowhere.
- Don't you ever get tired of listening to the radio?
- Mr. Olson never tires of talking about his grandchildren.
- Bird watching with binoculars is a popular pastime.
- Arguing with me takes much of my little brother's time.
- Constant complaining helps no one.
- Listening to the concerto is sheer pleasure for Joan.
- After standing behind the counter all day, Jim likes to relax at night.
- what do you like doing? “gusto”
1.- i like working in my house
2.- i like driving my red car
3.- i like working in the office
4.- i like eating in the restaurant
5.- i like sing in the party
- what would you like to do? “deseo”
1.- i would like to write a book
2.- i would like to see to the sea
3.- i would like to win the lotery
4.- i would like to build a house
5.- i would like to ride a horse
- what would you prefer to do? “prefiero”
1.- i would prefer to go shopping
2.- i would prefer to go to sleep
3.- i would prefer to go to run
4.- i would prefer to go to work
5.- i would prefer to go to ride
- what would you rather do? “preferir”
1.- i would rather go to drive
2.- i would rather go to read
3.- i would rather go to smoke
4.- i would rather go to travel
5.- i would rather go to dance
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